Saturday 16 April 2011

Final push

I can't believe there's only two weeks to go before the deadline! There's a lot more work to do, but I'm confident. I've got definitions matching malware and I've finished 95% of the individual components that make up the project. The major process now is sticking it all together into a working product (can't be too difficult, can it?) and documenting it. Thankfully I've got a knack for creating documentation quickly.

Speaking of documentation, I created a cool little tool called Docugen that converts Visual Studio's XML project documentation into nicely formatted HTML pages. The idea is simple - you document your classes using inline XML documentation so that Visual Studio can produce a complete set of XML documentation for your assemblies, then you run the resulting documentation file through Docugen and it produces HTML in the specified target directory. It's relatively simple to insert this tool into your post-build script in your project too. Somewhat ironically, I've not really commented much of the code in Docugen. It's not officially a part of Aether, so I guess it doesn't matter too much. Anyhow, I spent most of today going through my code and inserting XML documentation comments to all of my classes, functions, fields, events and properties. It's tedious work, but it results in significantly more maintainable code.

I've had to make a few last-minute decisions regarding internal application structure. IPC, for example, has been plagued with problems and I'm still trying to find a method that works reliably. The KMD interaction is nice and it works perfectly for now. The KMD caused a system crash during a demo, but I can't isolate or reproduce the bug on my desktop. It's probably related to the stack/queue system I created for events, so I'll have to review that code later.

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