Wednesday 4 May 2011


Since I forgot to provide the install.bat file in the CD I handed in, here's the files all bundled together as they would be for a full install:

Note: It's before 2pm, technically still before the hand-in date!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

The end is only the beginning

Today is hand-in day!* Aether is working nicely, and my code is documented. I'll soon be off to catch a train, ready to hand in my completed work. I've learnt a lot down the line, and there have been high moments (first full detection and removal!) and low moments (having to re-implement IPC for the second time, gah!) and I am glad I don't have to feel the pressure any more. But this isn't the end for Aether. It's such a fun and interesting project that I've decided to continue work on it as a personal project. Hopefully I can expand and improve it to the stage where it would in fact become a viable anti-malware solution.

* correction: hand in day turned out to be the 4th